Things you should be discussing with your students

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Things you should be discussing with your students

Are you discussing these ethics with your students? 

While it can be an awkward  discussion, as teachers it is important for us to share this information so that we set our students up with information & common practices that they may not be aware of. Here are a few things you should be discussing with your students:

  1. Giving credit for choreography, music, & photography 
  2. How to navigate performance & gig situations 
  3. Asking permission to perform a choreo 
  4. Embracing everyone in the class regardless of skill, ethnicity, orientation or  gender identity 
  5. Being supportive of your classmates & others while attending events 
  6. Reproducing video or music without permission 
  7. Seeking out dancers of origin or MENAHT
  8. Being mindful of cultural appropriation and respecting the origins of the dance

As teachers, our responsibilities don’t end at the class door. Making sure we practice what we preach is so important as our students will look to us for guidance & direction. 

What other ethical topics do you include when talking with your students. Shoot me a message & tell me!

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