When you wanna give up

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When you wanna give up

Last Updated on January 23, 2022 by

I recently taught a private class & had a student get very frustrated with herself to the point she wanted to quit. She’s a lovely dancer with training but hadn’t danced much at all during the past year (just restarted my virtual class this past spring). I offered her a spot in my semi-private group and was so happy she took the spot! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

But she got really hard on herself to the point that she got in her own way of learning – and wanted to give up.⠀⠀⠀

Sound familiar?⠀This took me back to ALL the classes I went to where I couldn’t figure out whatthehellwasgoingon – I was turning left when everyone else was turning right. I remember my first festival festival in Cairo where I hid in the back feeling like I didn’t know how to dance & that I wanted to quit.⠀

But I pushed on. These feelings are actually good feelings to have when we experience them. If you can go to a dance class & know everything & do it well WELL why are you going to class? It’s time to move up & on. ⠀⠀

Through challenge we grow – think about the lessons life hands us- we develop & become resilient through adversity. Dance is no different/ we challenge our brains through building new neural pathways that makes us smarter (yes yes!) & we learn new motor patterns which adds to our toolbox. We become richer through learning & feel accomplished when we finally nail that move/that combo/that choreo. 

The biggest struggle is ourselves & our brain. We get in our own way & compare ourselves to others. We forget that we are in the initial stage of learning (WHICH IS HUGE). You didn’t learn to walk in a day. You didn’t learn to dance in a day. So be patient with the process ♥️⠀⠀⠀

Can you relate to this feeling? How do you talk yourself out of it? Message me and tell me!

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